Are You Ready?
Did you ever see someone wearing or doing something you didn’t like and later you thought it was a great idea? Have you come to appreciate an outfit (thinking about Mom Jeans), a ministry or a vision presented earlier in life that you thought was distasteful or useless? In my experience when that takes place and you are not able to appreciate whatever it is, it’s because you were not ready for it. Later when you see the same thing or someone wearing something you didn’t appreciate originally but grew to like it later, you are ready for the very thing you didn’t want or like. It is hard and complicated trying to move into a space that is occupied by someone else or appreciate a vision you cannot grasp. It is hard to appreciate a vision you are not ready for, but really want to be a part of. I am reminded of the scriptures in 1 Corinthians 3: 6-9 where it refers to someone coming along and planting a seed, then someone else coming along and watering the same seed and later God giving increase or growth to the seed and it begins to expand. Life can seem daunting and complicated at times. If you are willing to be patient and continue the journey, what will be, will be. You are destined for greatness. It says in Jeremiah 29:11, God has a good plan already in place for you. Choose God’s plan for your life and wait for the perfect timing as He guides you on your journey.
I feel at times that I am not where I want to be. When I get those feelings, I remind myself, I am where God wants me. When I trust Him and allow Him to work in my life, then all will be well. Many times, the hard and difficult times are opportunities for testing and promotion. Generally testing comes before you are promoted.
I realize there are times when people say or quote something we can and do agree with. We usually agree because it is what we know to be correct or what the bible says is true. An example would be reading and agreeing with this post as well as the scriptures you read earlier. However, when it becomes real and personal then there is no turning back! Get on board with God and continue the journey and discover the adventures He has planned for you. They are good!!
Happy Launching! 🙂
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