Winter in Summer
Pretend we are experiencing winter with plenty of snow and ice.
If the only season you were familiar with was winter, life would probably look like this. You could be interested in different options such as:
- Enjoying the warmer weather with an appreciation like never before.
- Have the ability to withstand the cold and freezing temperatures like no others
- Work outside without being affected by the weather as much
- Complain less about the heat
- Be happy to have a job inside as opposed to outside.
- Appreciate warm food and supplies
- Take better care of your vehicle’s needs for maintenance
- Be less wasteful
- Read more books
What if our lives were this way and we had no options. What if you lost your job and there was no way you would ever get another one. Or think of this…
- You ate your last meal
- Your child came home with a B or C instead of an A but was completely healthy
- Your car broke down and you found another ride to work or wherever you had to go.
- Your garage caught fire and your house was spared.
- You broke your leg, but you could use your arms and fingers for adjusting your shoes.
What if? Can you think of anything where you have no options? I could be missing something, but the point I am trying to make is we generally always have options. It’s the perspective that will continually bring us down. Chin up my friend. It really could be worse.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you! Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)
Happy Launching! 🙂
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