What will you do with your defining moment?
Last week while running errands, I stopped at a particular store and picked up a disability bus pass. The bus pass cost twenty-five dollars per pass. When I approached the counter to purchase the card, I recognized a new and young employee who had previously been a help to a family member. I began to express how pleased I was to see him working and also shared the compliments I had heard about him. We had a very genuine conversation and as I was leaving the store he gave me my purchased pass and smiled. When I reached for the pass, he told me he accidentally gave me two instead of one. I told him thank you, smiled and told him to have a good day and walked out of the store. It didn’t register in my mind, what had actually taken place until I reached my car.
The young man really did give me two! In my mind after realizing what had taken place, I had no options other than returning one of the passes. What I did consider was how I would return it and also be a blessing to the young man and not a hindrance. I felt in my heart he was really trying to do a good deed, but going about it the wrong way. Perhaps some time in his life he had seen or had been taught it was alright to operate in this way, possibly thinking the bus pass wouldn’t be missed and thinking it was okay because it was for a good cause. If I immediately turned around and walked back in the store and gave the bus pass back, he could lose his job if his manager was at the counter and I would also lose the opportunity to minister in the way I felt led.
What I did was purchase a Starbucks card for the young man, put it in a thank you card and added a scripture before delivering the card and the bus pass back to the store. When I arrived at the store a couple of days later, I explained I was given two bus passes together instead of one pass. I also raved about the young man who had previously helped my family member. I left the card with another worker who would in turn make sure he received the thank you card. I was happy he wasn’t at work. It gave the other worker an opportunity to witness someone returning an item in which I could have kept unnoticed. It was certainly not noticed by anyone on this earth, but God will look at everything we do and listen carefully to how we respond. I want my Father in heaven to be pleased with my actions and I also want other people to see an example they would be happy to model.
I put a very nice note in the card. I expressed my thanks for his thoughtfulness, but also cautioned him at taking liberties on the job that were not his to take. I gently warned him of the possibility of losing his job and he should always consider doing the right things for the right reasons. I told him I would pray God would continue blessing him as he grew. He had just turned twenty-one and was young. I knew in my heart his good intentions were misplaced and I wanted to see him do much better. I inserted the scripture Proverbs 12:11 The one who stays on the job has food on the table; the witless chase whims and fancies. (Message Bible) I felt led to use a more understandable version of the bible, considering he might not be a Christian.
So, there I was with what some would call a blessing or even go so far as to say God just worked on my behalf. I could certainly have used the savings, but let’s consider the likelihood of this being a blessing. If we adhere to the scriptures, we must realize this is only entrapment. If we consider this episode with the young man to be a blessing, then we would believe in a lie. Stealing is wrong. It isn’t legal to take something that does not belong to us and it is certainly not right to steal and give away what was stolen, nor receive stolen goods no matter how easy it is to justify the reason. Satan is the Father of Lies (John 8:44) and his desire is to get each of us involved in something that will initially bring shame and trouble.
In Matthew 19:18 the young man inquires about receiving eternal life. He was questioning Jesus concerning what good thing he must do. Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Also, in Proverbs 10:2 ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. (Bible Study Tools) I personally want no part in anything ill-gotten.
Proverbs 12:22 says, The Lord detest lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. (Bible Study Tools)
If for some reason the store tracked the bus passes and asked the young man about a missing pass, I cannot imagine he would tell them he gave one away. He would probably lie. That is what happens when we allow ourselves to be pulled into sin. One sin will lead to another and all of a sudden we are immersed so deep we feel despair and hopelessness. Thank God we can repent, be forgiven and move toward a better response or position next time.
John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. King James Version (KJV)
Let’s all consider what we would do with our defining moments and search the scriptures for direction, always. I love the fact that we can go back and do it again, with Jesus!
Happy Launching!
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