Early on in my marriage I tried hard at keeping an atmosphere in our home that would be peaceful and showcase my domestic skills of cooking and preparing meals that were homemade. That is how I was raised. My mother made the majority of our meals and desserts from scratch. Somehow my mind thought happiness came with homemade meals, a spotless house and a woman who stayed home with the children. I thought since that was what my mother did, then surely my happiness would come from those things too.
Well, let me tell you the truth of this misconception that has overcome almost every woman I know. Not True! My happiness did not come from preparing homemade meals or anything domestic. Don’t get me wrong, I love cooking and preparing meals that bring satisfaction to a hungry bunch! I just realize after many years of cooking and taking care of my family, I enjoy doing all things domestic, but my happiness is not found in baking bread or making homemade pie crust. Trust me I enjoy a good pie even if the crust is store bought. Just look at the pictures below. I made a homemade pie crust for the apple pie. I bought a pie crust from the store for the other pies and they were all good!!! My point is, find happiness in the way that works for you and don’t allow traditions or what other people think will move your soul to be your happiness measuring stick.


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. _ Maya Angelou
My happiness comes when I do for others, but it doesn’t come in the way it is done, necessarily. I can give a pie that has been homemade or one that has a crust bought from the store. My happiness comes from the giving, no matter what.
What does your happiness come from?
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